SASUF Research and Innovation Week 2024

The Research and Innovation Week is a concept of bringing together researchers, teachers, students, university management representatives, and so many more from all the 40 SASUF partner universities.

The week was divided into two parts: Satellite events taking place all across Sweden, and the Sustainability Forum hosted by three Swedish SASUF Partner Universities, namely: Malmö University, Lund University, and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences at the Alnarp Campus.

Summary - SASUF Research & Innovation Week 2024

Articles about the R&I Week 2024

Pictures from the week

Poster presentations at the SASUF Sustainability Forum, Alnarp

The poster session is a visually enticing presentation focused on an idea for collaboration or research interest that is of relevance to both Sweden and South Africa. The posters presented acted as a pitch for a possible project.

Access the digital version of all posters presented at the Sustainability Forum below in the six SASUF sub-themes:

Satellite Events — 13-14 May 2024 

The Satellite Events consisted of two days filled with 37 different workshops, seminars, guest lectures, site visits and more, taking place all across Sweden.

The events were all free and open to everyone.

They took place either in physical form, hybrid or fully online - making it easy for anyone to join!

Access the conference platform Sched here:

Three universities co-hosted the Sustainability Forum in southern Sweden

To showcase a variety of environments and competences, the second part of the SASUF Research & Innovation Week 2024 was hosted by three Swedish SASUF Partner Universities, namely: Malmö University, Lund University, and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences at the Alnarp Campus.

Lund University showcased and symbolized the more traditional environment located in the old city of Lund. In contrast to this, Malmö University symbolized the modern and urban environment in the city of Malmö. Last but not least, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), took us to the town of Alnarp, where one of SLU’s campuses is located. This campus showed us a piece of the green countryside of Sweden.

The full schedule of the Sustainability Forum can be found at the Sched page:

Sustainability Forum — 15-17 May 2024

SASUF Sustainability Forum was a three-day forum open only to nominated participants from partner universities.

Focusing on SASUF’s 6 sub-themes

  • Theme 1: Climate change, natural resources and sustainability

  • Theme 2: Education for a sustainable society

  • Theme 3: Social transformation through change: Knowledge and social development strategies

  • Theme 4: Health - Understanding the burden of disease in Sweden and South Africa

  • Theme 5: Sustainable urbanisation, travel and tourism in the 21st Century

  • Theme 6: Digital technologies, big data and cybersecurity